13 Key Questions to Answer before Selecting a Small Business Location The Importance of  Selecting the proper Small Business Location One of the biggest headaches a small business entrepreneur faces is selecting the proper small business location in Wilmington, NC or surrounding areas. Choosing a suitable location for your small business is positioning your business for success. Not merely does a good location reduces small business expenses but could prove crucial to generate sales. The saying goes, “location, location, location” and it does not help to sell that right product/service at the wrong location. It is necessary that you as small business owner dedicate theRead More →

The 15 Funding Options for Small Businesses in Wilmington NC Do you know what funding options are available to you as small business owner in Wilmington, NC? Fortunately, North Carolina small businesses have multiple funding sources for startup, sustaining operations, and for business growth. However, getting funding remains yet one of the biggest challenges that a small business entrepreneur faces when starting a new business. The best fundraising option(s) for your small business depends on several factors such as your business needs, industry, amount needed, timing, business health and/or personal creditworthiness. A combination of different funding sources during startup and as your small business grows,Read More →