The Need for Small Business Training Contrary to what you might think as a business owner, small business training  is a critical aspect for small business success. An effective small business training program helps you to attract and retain high-performing employees, which reduces recruitment cost. But more importantly, small business training avoids other even more acute operational, sales and sometimes client losses. Since small business have a relatively small workforce, they are more distressed by the departure of a key person. Furthermore, Small Business Training builds staff loyalty and stimulates creative, proactive thinking. With proper small business training employees grow professionally, become happier and areRead More →

Small Business HR Issues Today Whether you are starting a small business or running one, Human Resources impacts everything your company does. Sadly, Small Business Owners tend to ignore Human Resources matters when things go well. However, doing so is unwise, with serious consequences for your small business. You must master the Small Business HR issues to be a successful Small Business Owner. Today, more than ever, you as a Small Business Owner must recognize the fact that your employees have rights and requirements. Failing to address these can result in hefty fines and/or legal fees. Furthermore, not addressing Small Business HR issues lowers productivity,Read More →